2024 Mount Desert Island YMCA Lobster Scavenger Hunt
Below are the participating business partners for the Scavenger Hunt. Each business has a red lobster with a number on it displayed somewhere. Your job from July 1 to July 5th at noon is to find as many of them as you can and record the number on the lobster(s) below. Hit submit by noon on July 5th to be entered for some AWESOME raffle prizes! The more you find, the better your chances to win.
Lobster to find: Lovely Lisa
Lobster to find: Leonardo da Pinchy
Lobster to find: Mr. Crunch
Lobster to find: BH Savings
Lobster to find: Lobster Mobster
Lobster to find: Ten Forty
Lobster to find: Warren Buffet
Lobster to find: Stitch in Time
Lobster to find: Mr. Crabs
Lobster to find: Claw-dene
Lobster to find: Clawdias
Lobster to find: Bearylicious
Lobster to find: Old Blue
Lobster to find: Andie Scott
Lobster to find: Carl The Crusty Crustacean
Lobster to find: Leaping Larry
Lobster to find: Atticus Pinch
Lobster to find: B&N Go Wild!
Lobster to find: Pedego-go
Lobster to find: Salty Swan
Lobster to find: Canned to Go